“Comrades, long live the Frente Amplio! If I knew each and every name, each one of you, I would shout it out with all my heart!

I want to tell you so many things, I want to tell you that I have spent learning and today they asked me, What did I learn? I am going to tell you what I learned: you, each and everyone, throughout this campaign have made me feel the roots of the Frente Amplio. Each one of you, with a gesture, with a tear, with a smile, with a hope, with a proposal, with a memory, have brought me, over and over again, what the Frente Amplio is. And that is why unity is so important, because our flag is large, it is one of Artigas’s flags, it is that of liberated Montevideo, this is our flag, and there is room for everyone. And because we know that we do not govern for a handful, we govern for all Montevideo men and women.

I want to acknowledge with you Daniel and Álvaro, and all the militants who are always there, who are the pulsating and burning heart of the Frente Amplio. That today, our delegates, all the Frente Amplio, are still sitting at the voting tables.

I want to thank everyone, the retirees, the retirees. Very old people came to tell me: “We were always here, and we will always be.” What an example! And the young people with their ideals, reminding us all the time, the axes of the program, that is the lifeblood of the future, that is the Frente Amplio, our young force.

You have made me remember, you have made me feel, that we do not have to go looking for any role, that what we have is to be genuine, that the solution always depends on us and that is why we have to be together!

Tomorrow I have the first scheduled meeting, with whoever was the first mayor of Montevideo (Tabaré Vázquez). That was the first call I received today, and I asked him if he could receive me tomorrow at 10 am because I want to ask him for advice. And I say it with pride, because Tabaré is a historical leader, a historical reference of Uruguay.

I also want to tell you and here I am going to ask you to be very mature in this, I want to thank Laura Raffo for the call. Because we are going to govern for each and every Montevideo. I want to thank the call of Vice President Beatriz Argimón, and I want to thank the call of the President of the Republic (Luis Lacalle Pou). And do you know why this is important? Because this shows how it is possible for us, the broad frontists, to be clear with our ideas, to be firm in our convictions, to govern without a doubt for those who have less and still dialogue, dialogue and dialogue.

Today, every day of the campaign, tears came to my eyes several times a day, and that happened because you gave me impressive examples. Tears came to my eyes and not because I am cuddly, but because I am a Frente Amplio, because I am a militant and because I am one of you. He remembered General Seregni. And what we are talking about, be clear in ideas, firm in our convictions, respectful, because the united People will never be defeated.

And today we can say, if we have a program that we are going to fulfill, we have proposals that we are going to carry out, with the entire Frente Amplio, in a joint cabinet! And we will do.

We were, we are and will be a construction force, workers in the construction of the homeland of the future, companions and companions.

Now I send you the best of my hugs. I ask you to take care of yourself, not take off your mask and I say goodbye. Take care. And now to celebrate from the bottom of the heart, each one with his family and friends, back home, that tomorrow is a day that starts early, and from which I will not have a minute’s break to work for our Montevideo . Nothing is going to stop us, you can count on me. I always promise to work tomorrow colleagues, and now to retire with respect, with joy, we will continue!

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